

Internal Medicine

Clinical Interests




Years of Experience


It is very important for us to correctly inform the users of this website regarding the privacy policy of your personal data, as such, in the following lines, we present to you precise information on what type of data we collect from you, how do we use it, for what purpose do we use it and what are your rights in this context.

First of all, we need to define – and it is very important for you to understand – the “Personal Data” expression. It generically represents any type of information about a physical person, by which particularity can lead, directly or indirectly, to its identification. We will list here, as examples, but without limiting to them: first and last name, geographical address, any type of identification number, political orientation, sexual orientation, email address, any type of information regarding localization and any other type of online indentifier such as the device used to access the internet, IP address or information obtained via cookies.

As to your consent, in the context of collecting and using personal data, we have taken all the technical measures so that you can offer this consent with full intent, from the first and the last interaction on this website.

Our commercial purpose, reporting to our activity object, is one of development and web promotion, and the new personal data protection rules (GDPR), which are imposed to us, are part of this context. As such, we engage to:

  • protect the confidentiality of your data, this representing a strong priority for our company's leadership;
  • use this data for the sole purpose of offering you a personalized experience not only on our website, but also on the online platforms on which we promote our products and services (Facebook and Google, etc.)


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